business strategy

track and field athletes at 2024 Games illustrating strategic business lessons

Strategic (and actionable) business lessons from the 2024 Games

When the last race has been run, the final hurdle cleared and the cauldron extinguished until next time, we’ll be left with countless unforgettable memories from the Paris 2024 Olympics. And the Games featured many for Team Canada—from Summer McIntosh’s multi-medal, in-pool dominance to surprise track and field victories from the likes of hammer throwers …

Strategic (and actionable) business lessons from the 2024 Games Read More »

business succession discussing passing business to adult kids

Business succession: Do your kids really want to take over the family company?

Looking to transition your business to the next generation so you can enjoy retirement, or simply because you’ve decided that it’s time to hang up the entrepreneurial reins? You may want to take some lessons from the popular HBO series Succession to ensure things don’t go seriously awry, creating irreparable family rifts—and even loss of …

Business succession: Do your kids really want to take over the family company? Read More »